Saturday, December 25, 2010

GSLV Explodes - A setback for ISRO?

It is disappointing that GSLV explodes shortly after lift-off.  Many websites and newspapers titled the news as "Blow to ISRO hopes", "Spectacular failure", etc.  In this case, those editors conveniently forgot the challenges in science, engineering and technology behind this. The scientist, engineers and other individuals make lot of scarifies along the way. Many of the work in ISRO for their passion and dream not for mere money.

I am confident people involved in this will review the data, identify the problems and make it better next time. This is the period in time we should support them. In my view, failure is step forward for the success.

There are indications that some people trying to tarnish the image of ISRO saying, Rs. 150 Crore lost in this endeavour. I would tell those people this is nothing compare to 2G spectrum scandal (Rs 176 Lakhs crore). It is better spent than spending money on free TVs. For India's growth, satellites are one of the corner stone. We should see this as an investement. I would also point to them, ISRO will do its best to test everything before launch. There are certain things cannot be tested on the ground. We should give benefit of doubt to ISRO and support ISRO on this difficult time. It is not new to ISRO and I am pretty sure ISRO will come back with better vechiles and satellities.

Here is video from youtube.

1 comment:

  1. Good one on the comparison with 2G spectrum on the money loss.

    ISRO now has only one more Russian cyrogenic engine left and Russia would not transfer knowledge on how it was designed. I think ISRO should take its time and fix the issues on the indigenous one they already built and prove their worth.
