On Wednesday, 160 AIADMK candidates list was unilateraly released. The list was released even before the seat identification process is complete with its partners. Shockingly many of the constituencies figured in the AIADMK list were in the wish list by their partners. Some of them had their sitting MLAs. Even AIADMK candidates were allocated different constituencies than they requested.
For example, Gokul Indira was assigned Anna Nagar while she requested Thirupattur. The list also figured P.Valarmathi who is not in good books of AIADMK supremo in recent past. Dissolved Sasikala Peravai founder, P.Needhipathi got Usilampatti (As of Friday night, this seat was allotted to its partner AIMMK. a devar outfit.)
This alliance was put together by AIADMK supremo painfully over one year period. Some element within her residence/office attempted destroy everything in one press release. She is not stupid to release the complete list without finalizing with partners. If it was done for the auspicious day reason, she would have released few prominent names but not the complete list. I do believe this is happened without her approval. There are several theories going around why and who did this. The bottom line is she should find out the group/individual and take action on them. Otherwise more trouble on the way.
On Friday, she called the leaders of AIADMK front over phone and spoke to them. This pacified them and seat identification process continued and in some cases it was finalized. After the identification is complete we can expect some change in the AIADMK final list. Hopefully the deserving candidates will get the nomination. This may mean the nomination goes to different individual than the one in the first list. She has ability to make this change and our hope is she does.
In 1990, her resignation was released (handed over to police and they released) by someone from her residence. As a follow up, Sasikala's husband was kicked out of her residence later citing him as reason. I hope some one pays the price for this mischievous behavior.
For example, Gokul Indira was assigned Anna Nagar while she requested Thirupattur. The list also figured P.Valarmathi who is not in good books of AIADMK supremo in recent past. Dissolved Sasikala Peravai founder, P.Needhipathi got Usilampatti (As of Friday night, this seat was allotted to its partner AIMMK. a devar outfit.)
This alliance was put together by AIADMK supremo painfully over one year period. Some element within her residence/office attempted destroy everything in one press release. She is not stupid to release the complete list without finalizing with partners. If it was done for the auspicious day reason, she would have released few prominent names but not the complete list. I do believe this is happened without her approval. There are several theories going around why and who did this. The bottom line is she should find out the group/individual and take action on them. Otherwise more trouble on the way.
On Friday, she called the leaders of AIADMK front over phone and spoke to them. This pacified them and seat identification process continued and in some cases it was finalized. After the identification is complete we can expect some change in the AIADMK final list. Hopefully the deserving candidates will get the nomination. This may mean the nomination goes to different individual than the one in the first list. She has ability to make this change and our hope is she does.
In 1990, her resignation was released (handed over to police and they released) by someone from her residence. As a follow up, Sasikala's husband was kicked out of her residence later citing him as reason. I hope some one pays the price for this mischievous behavior.