Sunday, December 26, 2010

2G Spectrum - Rear view mirror

The 2G spectrum came to lime light after CAG report. The Congress and DMK projects this as a policy decision which inadvertently caused the loss. Congress / DMK conveniently ( and to some extent successfully) steered towards the CAG report as core issue and wants PAC (Public Accounts Committee) to investigate. The concern here is if Congress and DMK denounces corruption, why not JPC?

Here are the facts which Congress/DMK conveniently forgets. (Courtesy Tehelka)

1. 2007 September: SWAN telecommunication, Unitech, Loop and DATACOMM applies for 2G allotment.

2.  2007 October:  A. Raja openly ignores TRAI recommendation on 2G Auction. PM asks him to follow the open process.  Raja overrules PM!. In October 2010, Supreme Court made strong comments about the language used by Raja in those communication.

3. 2008 January: First come first served is changed to First pay First served. This lead to fist fight in Sanchar Bavan.

4. 2008 April: A. Raja circumvents TRAI recommendation to allow sale of stakes in Companies.

5. 2008 November: The CVC investigates and sends a detail report to PM recommending for A. Raja's prosecution. (This explains why Congress appointed Mr. Mathew in spite of pending cases against him and reservations by opposition parties).

6. 2008 November: Raja tells Telecom Commission to ban the sale of stakes after the SWAN and Unitech Deals. (There are allegations that SWAN is closer to Karunanidhi's family).

7. 2009 April:  CVC Prathyush Sinha confirms large scale irregularities. (Why didn't PM ask Raja step down?)

8. 2009 October: CBI raids DoT (Sanchar Bhavan which comes under Communication Ministry which came under A.Raja and CBI comes under PMO). CBI must have obtained approval from PMO to raid Sanchar Bhavan. There were allegations against Raja in this case. Why did not PM ask him to step down?

9. 2010 October/November: Supreme Court asks Government to respond on CAG reports. SC reprimands CBI for loop holes in the investigation (Remember CBI comes under PMO). Opposition stalls the parliament.

It is very clear that the beneficiaries (telecoms companies, Sonia and Karunanidhi) wanted A. Raja to stay on power. This will help them get pass this problem.  This happened in spite of the following.

1. A. Raja did not follow PM's instruction.
2. CVC found large scale irregularities in Spectrum allotment.
3. Congress appointed new CVC from telecom case even though there were pending criminal cases. CVC over sees the investigation.
4. SC censured A. Raja before he steps down.  Mr. Mathew still stays on power.

Government still trying to protect Sonia and Karunanidhi family members not appointing JPC. This will bring many things to light.

1 comment:

  1. Avane Ivan
    ‎1. A. Raja, as Telecom Minister, gives 2g Spectrum to Swan Telecom, in 2007/8 at a throw-away price of Rs. 1,500 + crore.
    2. Swan Telecom, which was owned, till then by ADAG of Anil Ambani, sold the company for Rs. 5 crore + to Balwa of DB Realty.
    3. DB Realty, which now owns the 2G Spectrum, invites Dubai-based Telecom company Etisalat, to be a JV partner by selling 45% of its stake for Rs. 4,500 crore +.
    4. DB realty, along with its sister/group concern, DB Infrastructure, transfers several tranches of money to another Group firm, Dynamix Realty.
    5. Dynamix Realty, in turn, makes series of funds transfers to another Group co. Kusegaon Fruits & Vegetables, which, in turn, makes several fund transfers to its 49%-owned subidiary Cineyug, an Event Management Company.
    6. Cineyug, then, issues a cheque for Rs. 206 crore + to Kalaignar TV, probably on the pretext of getting the opportunity to host some events (like Kalaignar Felicitation function, etc.).

    This is how, Karunanidhi & his fellow-bandits, systematically, scientifically & in a professional manner, have been looting the country for their personal gain
