Sunday, January 2, 2011

Corruption - Congress true color

Today, Pranabh Mukerjee said "PM made his offer on his own" and he would have advised against it if he was consulted. This is in response to Prime Minister's offer to appear before Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC). This signals the mood of Congress inner circle to Sonia. Congress wants to put this to rest after discussing in Parliament. They can steer  Parilmant discussion with the rules to their advantage and close the chapter.

Congress does not want JPC or Supreme Court involvement in this case even though it is Himalayan Scandal. They want CBI, ED and IT to do the investigation. These entities are controlled by PMO and Finance Ministry which can be manipulated and close the case in their favor. Congress does not want any of its ministers to appear before PAC and it was clear from Pranab's statement. This vindicates opposition argument why JPC is needed. They installed their CVC (Mr. Thomas) and he is sticking to its post even after SC questioned its appointment in the back drop of pending corruption case against him. This is the pathetic state of the country.

This raises serious questions why Congress hesitant in appointing JPC. They might have benefited as accused by Dr. Subramanya Swamy. They do not want the truth to come out. Some people may question the JPC's effectiveness considering its political backdrop. I am confident it will have better independence than CBI/ED/IT. JPC's power will bring things out which will help public to make their own mind on this. We have seen that in Bofors case. The Hindu confirmed that JPC documents in Bofors case helped in their own ivestigation. Congress may not want to take any chances based on their past experience. We know CBI's role in Bofors and  in releasing the frozen funds to Ottavio Quattrocchi (Sonia Gandhi's friend).

There are news claiming that UPA is coming up with new law to fight corruption. This is nothing more than deflecting the critism. In June 2009, Dr. Manmohan Singh announced that they will bring back all the illeagal assets from Swiss Bank in 100 days. We know what happened so far? In my view Congress is not credible on this issue. Public expectation is to cancel  2G spectrum allotment and reauction it. We already started seeing weakening of the case by fining the telecoms with smaller amount.

Sonia's call to fight corruption is to deflect oppsitions call for JPC not to fight corruption. (We need understand her own credibility is at stake). My request to opposition leaders is "STICK TO YOUR JPC STAND". It is opposition parties responsibility to bring the truth out on this.

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