Kapil Sibal issued a statement today saying CAG Rs 1.76 lakh Crore figure is erroneous and went on to say there is no loss to exchequer. This clearly shows Congress intention to coverup. In my view, Mr. Sibal owes answers to the Citizens for the following questions.
1. Why Raja changed "first come first served" to "first payed first served"?
2. Why Raja overruled PMs advice? SC made some adverse comments against Raja on this.
3. How come the letter pad companies got the licenses and are able to sell it for huge profit in few months? How come those companies able to get the necessary documents/DD ready while others scrambled? Dr. Subramaniyam Swamy presented compelling case/documents against those companies and their political ties.
4. When there is nothing wrong, why CBI raided Telecom Ministry?
5. Why Delhi HC observed that it sees prima facie in Dr. Swamy's case against Raja?
6. Pranabh Mukerjee mentioned that BJP also used similar process and presented some large number as loss during BJP period as well. Why this contradiction between two senior ministers? One of you must be wrong at the least. Can you or Finance Minister apolgize for providing wrong information to the public?
7. Why SC did not believe in the Central Government and wanted to monitor the CBI investigation? If there is no loss why Government and CBI agreed for investigation?
8. Why Mr. Thomas is appointed as CVC overruling Opposition leader concerns?
9. Why Mr.Thomas is continuing as CVC even after the SC adverse comments on his appoinment?
10. Why Congress is hesitant on appointing JPC if there is nothing to hide? Why would Pranab Mukerjhee counsel against PM's offer to appear before PAC?
There may be a dispute on how the final figure is arrived. However it is very clear that there is a loss to exchquer and individuals benefited from the transaction. It is sad to see educated and intellectuals like Mr. Sibal trying to cover up Himalayan Scandal. I am afraid that next time, Government will pick their cronies for CAG as they did in case of CVC. They learned from Bofors how to stop additional investigation and coverup things. That is being used now. Probably this learning will be useful in sometime in the future.
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