Tamil Nadu is gearing towards assembly election in less that five months. DMK looked stronger until Parliament was stalled by 2G spectrum scandal and A.Raja was forced to resign. This along with Nira Radia tapes brought the simmering family feud to open. End of December, I blogged about how the Karunanidhi's first family was teaming up against Kanimozhi. It was proved to be accurate from recent Media reports.
M.K Alagiri eldest son of M.Karunanidhi and Dayalu Ammal reportedly submitted his resignation as Organization Secretary of DMK and from Union Cabinet to MK. It is also reported that the following conditions should be met to withdraw his resignation.
1. A. Raja should be suspended from DMK
2. Kanimozhi should be kept out of Politics and DMK
3. Sangamam organized by Tamil Mayyam (raided by CBI and Kanimozhi is one of the director) and funded by State Government should be stopped.
Alagiri and Stalin do not want to carry the extra baggage through Assembly election. It was obvious from the meetings organized by DMK in support of Raja. Brothers do not support this and asked their men to stay away. Karunanidhi on the contrary don't want to accept the fact and possibly by pressure from Kanimozhi and Rajathi.
Kanimozhi is not significant figure within DMK. The intention (by Alagiri) may be to remove Kanimozhi from their equation and gain more political power in the state for himself. He was sent to Center by Karunanidhi to keep him away from state politics which was reserved for his younger brother M.K.Stalin. It was clear he was not comfortable in Delhi due to his lack of knowledge in English and Hindi. It is natural to go back where he is comfortable meaning returning to state politics.
Alagiri returning to state politics is not straight forward. His brother Stalin is not going to be happy since he is currently Deputy CM and Deputy Secretary of the DMK. Alagiri's return will weaken Stalin's position within the party. Alagiri may be doing this to gain more seats for his men in up coming assembly election and to get powerful post within the party. He boycotted the DMK working committee meeting which confirmed the media reports.
Karunanidhi is not yielded to his pressure yet. He made it clear by saying, Kanimozhi's service is needed. The game is not over yet. It is expected Dayalu will mediate between Alagiri and Stalin. If that works out he will get considerable seats for his men and party posts like Deputy President of DMK. If the deal is not ironed out, we will see statement from Karunanidhi saying he is going to retire from politics after this term. This will put Alagiri in tough situation. Alagiri may not want to loose his current clout and Karunanidhi's statement will force him to accept the deal.
In DMK, party leadership is powerful. This will help his men to get the plum post both in party as well as in the Government. It will also enable him to control DMK trusts as a trustee. On top of that, he do not want to get kicked out of party and loose control within party as in the earlier election. It is more of tactics to get what he wants and Karunanidhi understands that.
It may be interesting to see who Maran brother's going to support. They burned their fingers earlier by publishing the poll results. May be they wait out on this one. Next few months will be interesting to watch DMK and MK family.
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